Meet us on Sunday or Wednesday

House church on Sunday


Every fourth Sunday of the month we meet in Eindhoven.

We start at 11 a.m. and end at 1 p.m. with a simple lunch for those who want it.

We are currently discussing the letter to Romans, which shows us what the gospel means in practice, but also what background information is good to understand. Of course we also make time to worship God and for personal prayer.


The other Sundays you are welcome in Eindhoven or Roermond. These small groups are intended to meet each other personally and encourage each other in faith and pray for each other. These mornings also start at 11 a.m. and, like the joint meeting on the fourth Sunday of the month, end with a lunch for those who wish.


If you are new and would like to participate, you are always welcome. You can get contact details and find us via the contact form on the website.

If you would prefer to join on a weekday evening, take a look at the Worship Evening that we hold twice a month. These evenings are held in Heeze.


God bless and we hope to meet each other and celebrate together that we may be God's family.

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